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PVSA Policy

President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) was established in 2004, and it is the most respected volunteer award program.  PVSA encourages through presidential recognition United States citizens and/or lawfully admitted permanent residents of the United States to live a life of service. 

5C Leadership Foundation (“5C” below) is proud to be an official registered certifying organization approved to review, verify, and distribute the highest recognition of service – PVSA. 

As a certifying organization, 5C Leadership Foundation is able to verify and distribute awards for service hours completed with both 5C Leadership Foundation and other organizations as long as you are an active member of 5C Leadership Foundation at the time of applying for PVSA, and have participated in PVSA-eligible activities organized by 5C Leadership Foundation.


Award Cycle and Service Hour Requirements

PVSA has three levels based on the volunteer’s age and the number of hours earned during a 12-month period. Hours are measured over a 12- month period and awards are designated based on cumulative hours.  The awards are offered in multiple levels and designed to recognize each milestone of your service achievement. Levels include bronze, silver, gold and the highest honor, the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award for those who contribute more than 4,000 hours of service in their lifetime.

Please note that 5C Leadership Foundation PVSA service year runs from September 1st to August 31st each year.  Awards will be ordered in mid-September.  










*Two or more people, with each member contributing at least 25 hours towards the total


PVSA Application Submission Requirements

  1. Service log and application must be submitted to 5C Leadership Foundation via e-mail at no later than September 5th.  You are welcome to submit service log early; however, late submissions will not be accepted.

  2. Please submit service log using 5C Leadership Foundation Service Hour Service Log, which is available for download off the 5C web site.

  3. For service hours completed through activities that are not organized or sponsored by 5C Leadership Foundation, written certification is required for each line item by employee of volunteer organization and must be submitted along with the service log.  Parent signatures will not be accepted.

  4. On the service log, list each day with activity performed and time spent on one line. For reoccurring activity, such as a week-long camp, you may list dates and total hours on one line.

  5. You must also submit a copy of your birth certificate as volunteer’s age is a factor in determining PVSA award levels.

  6. You must be either a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident to apply for PVSA. Please submit documentation to prove eligibility.

    1. Proof of citizenship: copy of birth certificate or valid U.S. passport

    2. Proof of permanent residency: copy of valid green card   

PVSA Application Submission Requirements**

  1. Maximum allowed per day for any volunteer activity is 9 hours. Time spent on sleeping, eating, socializing, etc. does not qualify.  Travel time to the volunteering location does not count as service hours.

  2. Some service hours may not qualify for PVSA.  5C Leadership Foundation will ultimately determine which types of activities may count toward PVSA.  If you are unsure that your activity qualifies, confirm with 5C Leadership Foundation in advance.

  3. Volunteering at for-profit organizations does not count toward PVSA.

  4. Volunteering at religious organizations does not count toward PVSA.  For example, volunteering to work with children at vacation Bible camp cannot count toward PVSA.

  5. Extracurricular activities that are part of the role description/function cannot count toward PVSA.  For example,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

  6. Volunteering with youth groups for community projects (Habitat for Humanity, Meals on Wheels, Community Garden, etc.) or participating in service activities through a school club or other non-profit club may count toward PVSA.  However, attending club meetings as member of the club cannot count toward PVSA.  For example,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

  7. When submitting service hours for performance at nursing homes, time spent at the nursing home to visit with residents and perform may count toward PVSA; however, practice time to prepare for the volunteer performance does not count toward PVSA.

  8. Time spent in raising money for a cause (lemonade stand, bake sale etc.) may count toward PVSA; however, donating money to a cause does count toward PVSA.


**Disclaimer: PVSA service hour rules are subject to review and change by the 5C Leadership Foundation Board of Directors.



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